The Market


K500 2015 sector analysis: Pre-War American

K500 2015 sector analysis: Pre-War American 10th January 2016

January 2015 459.01, December 2015 499.42.

Don’t rush to buy that Duesie, pre-WW1 flivver or buckboard runabout just yet. The market is hopelessly skewed by one-off special-bodied sales, and in this category we’d put both Bonhams’ Amelia Sale 1930 Cord L-29 Town Car ($1.76m) and RM’s end-of-year $3.74m, Pierce Arrow ‘Silver Arrow’ Art Deco concept.

Top: Not exactly playing to a packed tent, Rupert Banner nevertheless sells Bonhams' 1930 Cord for an impressive total
Top: Not exactly playing to a packed tent, Rupert Banner nevertheless sells Bonhams' 1930 Cord for an impressive total

Photos by K500/the auction houses