The Market


K500 2015 sector analysis: Post-War Racing Cars

K500 2015 sector analysis: Post-War Racing Cars 10th January 2016

January 2015 548.01, December 2015 588.85.

Events drive this sector, and the never-ending popularity of Goodwood, the Mille Miglia and Le Mans Classic creates the demand for eligible cars. Decades of racing, accidents, engine swaps and rebuilds make the task of verifying and valuing racing cars a tough one. When RM’s ex-Works, ex-Ecurie Ecosse C-type Jaguar (well documented, fairly original, and from car collecting royalty ownership) crossed the block in August it took everyone by surprise when it sold for $13.2m, despite the previous example achieving $4.8m in 2013.

Top: Colossal price for suoerb 'C' in Monterey. It had provenance and eligibility by the bucketload
Top: Colossal price for suoerb 'C' in Monterey. It had provenance and eligibility by the bucketload

Photos by K500/the auction houses